Tuesday, July 10, 2012

What I Did on Summer Vacation, by "Little" Joe Kovacs*

*The post where I risk getting beat to a pulp at some point in the future, when Joe returns from a rather successful trip to Europe!

Dear Teacher,

I really had a fun summer.  I started it by just missing making the Olympic Team!  But I made some friends who took me on a trip to Europe, where everybody speaks crazy languages and pretends not to know English.  I got to heave a heavy metal ball really far, and people applauded me wherever I went.  Even some girls kept looking at me funny.  I am blushing just thinking about it. 

I liked it so much that I plan on getting even better at it, so next time I can make the Olympic Team.  I hear the women really go crazy for you then!

"Little" Joe Kovacs.
Congrats, Joe.  That is some mighty fine performances to cap off your college career.

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