Tuesday, August 21, 2012

It's Report Day! And Should I Be Worried?

Today is the day that the current PSU Cross Country teams report for duty.  I remember those days like they were yesterday.  That first day wearing the scratchy blues and greys.  Seeing the ridiculous facial hair that had sprouted on so many of us over the summer.  Hearing the well-intended insults and ribbing that meant you were back in the fold.  It really does seem like just yesterday.  I hope each and every team member appreciates just how special these times are.  Here's their schedules.

In other news, the Rock and Roll Half Marathon in Providence attracted some PSU talent on two fronts:

  1. Stephanie Pezzullo won the Women's Division in 1:15:17.
  2. Paul Souza and his Velveteen Playboys provided the Rock and Roll.  They rocked the crowd so well that they now have an open invitation to other Rock and Roll events. 

It's "Put Up or Shut Up" time for the 1,000 Mile Relay.  Not for the runners, but for everyone who has not donated yet.  To paraphrase Carl Spackler, "Let's give them a little for their effort."

And is someone trying to tell me something? 

Just days after volunteering to become "Captain Tim's" Third Mate on the Penn State Track Alumni Golf Chesapeake 3-Hour Tour, someone anonymously sent me these two news items!

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