Saturday, August 4, 2012

Sea Isle City 10 Mile Beach Run Victory For PSU Track Alum (Golfer)

Tyler McCandless used the most miserable race on Earth as a final warm up for his assault on Falmouth next Sunday.  I also saw a couple of Dawsons among the crowd.  Kyle Dawson placed second behind Tyler's 54:39. Kevin McDonnell was third and Nick Scarpello was 6th for complete Group domination.  If you think that's slow, you've never run Sea Isle! I saw Owen taking a separate run during the race, just as I did to keep the streak alive!  I also had the pleasure of meeting Tyler's parents who will be taking good care of him prior to the Falmouth race.   My wife finished her 19th in a row, and both kids ran their first!

All in all, it was still worth missing the Olympics.  (Way to go Bridget!)


  1. At least they have not turned it into a wimpfest 10K like some races we could name.
    I am proud that the Sea Isle 10 miler was founded, in part, by a fellow La Salle College grad, Kevin McKee, who was mostly a 400 guy.

  2. It started out as a run of the entire island, which varied in length each year due to the changes in the sand at either end. It has been a half-marathon in length in the past. This was from Captain Bill himself, as well as a 35 year streaker of the race. Not for the faint of heart. That hey get 1,500 or more runners is astounding to me.


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