Thursday, August 30, 2012

World Records and Bacon Burger Dogs

The "Boys" are on pace to break the world record for a 10 member 1,000 Mile Relay.  The Trolls and Haters finally showed up on a formerly good running web site to question just about everything about the whole endevour.  For the record, the record is recorded at the Publisher of Record, Guinness.

The record for the fastest 1,000 mile relay by a team of ten is 99 hr 3 min 27 sec. It was run by Willie Mtolo, Graham Meyer, Jan van Rooyen, Dimitri Grishine, Daniel Radebe, Pio Mpolokeng, Oliver Kandiero, Frans Moyo, Simon Mele and Philip Molefi (all South Africa) from Cape Town to Johannesburg, South Africa from 14-18 August 2002.
Trolls and PSU haters are less effective when Google can be used in milliseconds to prove them wrong.  Mirth will beat them every time its tried.

Comedian John Pinnette just sent me a photo guaranteed to offend PETA in three delicious ways. 

Yes, that's a turtle made from a hamburger, bacon and hot dogs!  Even Elvis would approve.  Which brings us full circle to another comedian and Penn Relays enthusiast Bill Cosby.

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