Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Moment of Zen

And a plea for content!  Send me some PSU track photos, stories, videos.  I'm temporarily behind in bringing you sufficient content. This illness has floored me way more than it should.

My health crisis is 50% abated, so I'm heading off to the salt mine today.  Antibiotics for a cold!  It's the only thing that has helped, so I'm still guessing SARS.  Wish me luck.

Here's a day lily in my fish "pond" in the dog's back yard.

Of course, Physics topics are always appreciated too!

Two PSU tracksters won awards at the Niagara Track and Field Hall of Fame recently.  Melissa Kurzdorfer was awarded the  Doriane Lambelet Award for Throws and Za'von Watkins won the Trenton J. Jackson Award  for Middle Distance.  PSU is Javelin U.  PSU is 800 U.

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