Saturday, September 1, 2012

A World Record By the Numbers

1.  Their world ranking in 10 x100 Mile Relays.

20%  Lock Haven Alumni Runners in the ranks.  Lets not forget how much they helped the effort.  Lock Haven is a special place for runners.
Thanks to Ryan Blood and Nick Hilton, newly minted honorary PSU Track and Field Alumni Golfers!

20%  Owens family members among the team.

20%  Fuller family members among the team.

2.  Number of sub-4 minute milers putting in the miles.  (also another 20%!). Ryan Foster and Luke Watson also put a few fast miles in among the 1,000!  (20% Ryans!)

>20,000  Amount of dollars raised for a great cause.

10.  Number of runners needing Ben Gay this morning.

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