Thursday, September 20, 2012

Food, XC Updates:

The PSU Women's XC squad moved up in the overall rankings again, cracking the top 20! This also ranks them 3rd overall in the Big Ten Conference.  With plenty of newcomers and youth, this bodes well for the present and the future.

In the food category, always one of my favorites, there are several items that my (dozens) of readers may enjoy:

  1. Where can you get a good Cheesesteak outside of Philadelphia?  Here are a few choices around the Country.  In Philadelphia, my top choices are, in order, Jim's on South Street, Geno's in South Philly, Pat's in South Philly (across the street from Geno's), Ishkibibbles on South Street (across the street from Jim's).  That means you can make two trips to Philly, snagging two sandwiches simultaneously to compare them.  I have done this numerous times in my life.  I also had the very first Steak of the day at Jim's (11:00AM) and the very last (2:00AM) on the same workday.  Another time I had 2 steaks at Jim's with too much adult beverage and then went to Chinatown for a plate of Kung Pao Chicken immediately afterward.  Those were the days.
  2. Mountain Dew AM Now sold at Taco Bells at breakfast, mostly on the West Coast.  This consists of 50% Mountain Dew and 50% Tropicana orange juice.  Some critics are both repulsed and overjoyed about this at the same time.
  3. And here's a place you can consult to make your favorite fast food at home! And here's a recipe for a Wendy's Frosty.
  4. Lastly, here's 14 regional sodas that you should try before you die.  I've had 9 on the list already. 


  1. That cheesesteak ROLL looks like a violation...too soft. Needs to ne crisp and flakey. Damn Yorkian! KKOB

  2. This was a stock photo from an official Philadelphia promoting web site. I don't think its an Amoroso Roll either, which is a strict requirement in my book. Although this Yorkian thinks you're flakey! hee hee hee


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