Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Let's Cheer Up Dr. Lucas!

Two people I have the highest respect for have asked me to forward Dr. John Lucas's address to facilitate his receipt of good wishes from his Penn State friends from all over.  And who am I to thwart their efforts?
Roger "Gunny" Roll and Greg Fredericks have asked all of us to send a "thinking of you" card to Dr. Lucas following his disorienting move to Missouri. Gunny visited him recently and his report is really positive.  But then again, anyone moving to Missouri from State College is in need of positive vibes!

We really should get a post together with some Gunny stories also.  I have never met a braver American, a better role model, and a tougher SOB, pardon the French.  I'll bet Coach Groves could tell us a few Gunny stories...

Send a note or card of appreciation, best wishes to:

Dr. John Lucas
c/o Amanda Garrison-Reed
1546 Timber Creek Drive, Columbia Missouri 65202

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