Sunday, October 7, 2012

Four Straight Years of Being Goofy, Now Add Daffy

My wife is set to try for her fourth straight Goofy Challenge at Disney World in January.  That's a Half Marathon on Saturday and a Full Marathon on Sunday.  Both days have 30,000 or so runners in them.  This year she is running the 5K on Friday with the girls, so that will make it a "Daffy".  Anyone else in the PSU Track Alumni World doing this?

All this, mind you, is with running barely a step in the year leading up to it.*  She does all her work on the Nordic Trac ski machine, supplemented with a few miles of severe uphill walking on the Nordic Trac Walkfit. 

*If anyone is thinking of gambling against her, she once qualified for Boston having only run 1 mile, and that was when qualifying was harder than it is now for the 100th Anniversary Race.

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