Saturday, October 20, 2012

Penn State Track Alums and Drift Boats, Whatever They Are?

There seems to be a theme going on, and I know nothing at all about it.  Fishing is another of the things I barely understand.  Although I would have to admit sitting around BS'ing with others with adult beverages at the ready can't be a bad thing...

Coach Gary Schwartz seems to be enjoying his retirement in fashion.  He has told me he will attend our Reunion Weekend and Golf Tourney once his "non-working" years commenced.  I'll hound him until we all see him there.  I would love to get some Coach Groves stories from him for the blog.  I'll bet he has a few.

That's Coach Schwartz on the right, the most relaxed of the three!

And here's PSU Track Alumni Golfer and All-American Dave Masgay.  It looks like he can set records both on and off the track!

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