Wednesday, October 10, 2012

"PSU is Relay U" *

* A Headline supplied by our East Coast Reporter which would bring a smile to the lips of Coach Groves.

In the latest Track and Field News, Penn State comes out in a tie for third in the overall Relay Rankings.  This is bolstered by  a number 4 ranking in the 4 x 400, a number 5 ranking in the Sprint Medley and a number 1 ranking in the 4 x 800 ("PSU is 800 U")  Don't forget your "PSU is 800 U" t-shirts designed by Olympian Greg Fredericks available in our store.

4 x 400
1 ..........................Florida
2 ...............................LSU
3 .............................. USC
4 .................... Penn State
5 ............South Plains JC
6 .................. Texas A&M
7 ......................Arkansas
8 ...........................Baylor
9 ............. George Mason
10 ....... Mississippi State

Sprint Medley
1 ........................ Georgia
2 ...........................Baylor
3 ..............................Iowa
4 .............................. USC
5 .................... Penn State
6 .............World Express
7 ............... Norfolk State
8 ............South Plains JC
9 ............ St. Augustine’s
10 ........ Texas A&M

4 x 800
1 .................... Penn State
2 ....................Minnesota
3 .................. Texas A&M
4 ......................... Oregon
5 ..................... Columbia
6 ......................Villanova
7 ......................Arkansas
8 ...........................Baylor
9 ......................... Cornell
10 ...............Notre Dame

Overall Men’s Leaders: 1. Texas A&M 34; 2. Baylor 27; 3. tie,
Penn State, Arkansas & LSU  23; 6. Princeton 19; 7. Indiana
16; 8. tie, Columbia & USC 15; 9. tie, Georgia & Minnesota 14

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