Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Things Coach Groves Told Me, Without Ever Saying The Words

  1. Life isn't fair.  Get over it.
  2. Hard work is sometimes the only reward.
  3. Shut the damn window.
  4. If life hands you lemons, kick it in the groin.
  5. Charge the uphills.  And the downhills!
  6. Kickers are often badly beaten by other, better kickers.
  7. In bed by 11:00, home by 1:00. (not verified)
  8. Trust but verify.
  9. You ran a good race, but you should have run better.
  10. 3 up, 12 x 400 (72), 3 down. (on Wednesdays)
  11. Morning runs after 9:00 am don't count.
  12. There is no need for seat-belts in a van.
  13. If you can't kick a man when he's down, you don't deserve to kick him. (not verified
  14. If you can't squat 200 pounds you ain't worth a damn as a distance runner.
  15. (add more via the comments...)


  1. If you can't squat 200 pounds you ain't worth a damn as a distance runner.

  2. I once bench pressed 120 lbs. when I weighed 118 lbs. Never lifted again. My "weight workouts" consisted of "weighting" until Coach left.


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