Saturday, November 17, 2012

Friend of Group to Run "Last Suffer" and Eclipse 100,000 Miles

Friend of the Group and Native Philadelphian Mike Fanelli is lacing them up for his very last marathon tomorrow at the Philadelphia Marathon.  He has dubbed this the "Last Suffer".  He will also surpass 100,000 miles soon, possibly during the race!  Our hats are off to Mike.  I have promised the wine connoisseur a bottle of Running With Scissors  wine for the feat.  Now I have to figure out how to get it to him.

1 comment:

  1. Well Dave, I've been doing the largest water stop at the Philly Marathon for the past numerous years and will be doing it tomorrow in a wheelchair. We (Delco RRC, my original running club I joined in '73, started in '72) will have well over 100 volunteers starting at 5:30 a.m. I could have handed to Gary at mile 14.x or 24.x, the runners come by us twice. In addition, I knew Hart well back in the 70s and had some great battles in Philly-area races. A point of note, his hitting 100,000 miles this late seems odd. I surpassed 30,000 in '81-'82, having only started in Fall '72. Slacker. Me, nor him...I mostly quit for 26+/- years


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