Thursday, November 15, 2012

NCAA Finals and Preliminary Reunion Itinerary

Sam Masters will toe the line as an at-large bid in the NCAA Cross Country Championships in Louisville on Saturday.  He will be joined by the Number 9 Ranked Women's team under Mid-Atlantic Coach of the Year Beth Alford-Sullivan. There is even a live stream of the event.

A flawless phone consultation was held with many of the doers and shakers of the Reunion Event, and even I was included!  Founder Clark Haley, Coach Sullivan, Director of Operations Jess Riden, Nittany Lion Club Liaison Ken Brinker and Varsity "S" Club's Clint Eury hammered out the rough outline of next year's stellar event.

Among the Highlights:

Keep the date Open!  May 17, 18, 2013.
  1. Friday Reception 7:00PM.  Possibly at The Lion's Den again.  This was a great event last year and should draw even more this year.
  2. Saturday Alumni "Run" and Team Practice, at the lovely hour of 9:00AM.  Munchies, coffee and good cheer will abound.  Let's see if we can beat the 40 or so last year who dared to run the campus loop with the team! Although not a step of running is required to have a good time here.
  3. A Climb of Mt. Nittany to plant a team flag for those not willing to braves the rigor of the Golf Tourney.  Likely at 12:00 Noon or 1:00PM.  This is often followed with a trip to the Creamery.
  4. The Coach Harry Groves Golf Tournament is the Hallmark Event and the one that started it all.  This gives anyone the ability to be immortalized on the Coach Groves Memorial Cup despite having no golfing ability at all!!!!  We are hoping to move up the start time this year at the Elks Club Course.
  5. A Rewards Dinner and Celebration at the Indoor Track at 7:00PM on Saturday.  Group Officers absolutely guarantee awards this year!  There will be raffles and possibly another great complimentary gift from PSU Track.
  6. A variety of Speakers are being wooed by those in charge and we hope to have a surprise or two in store for everyone.  Anyone with suggestions only need to send word my way for a thorough hearing.

1 comment:

  1. Clark Haley was involved?
    I thought he was still out playing on the course.
    GW musta been recovering from my cross-hole croquet-wicket shot that nearly split his pants and spilled his beverage of choice.


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