Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Little Music to Motivate The Alumni Runners

I found out that several Masters (and above!) PSU Track alums will take their Alumni Singlets* and possibly their orange spikes to the Horace Ashenfelter Track this weekend for a shot at improving their second career PRs.  Our very own Le faucon d'orange Mark Hawkins and State College native Nick K. will be there Friday.  Anyone getting photos or videos of their efforts will be rewarded greatly!

Here's some old fashioned classical music performed by 2 cellos.  Actually it's AC/DC's Highway to Hell performed by 2Cellos!

*We will attempt another Alumni Singlet sale soon

1 comment:

  1. The trackside cognoscenti were keenly aware of that young fellow (defined as anyone under 50), Nick K., and his proposed assault on the 5:20 barrier. He easily dispatched that summit and is now, according to various sources, setting his sights on an even loftier (or lower) target (depends on your vantage point). News flashes from the south indicate that the Hawk is flying north (despite the frigid temps) to spin a few laps on the banked oval

    I'll be there with the ancient mariner comparing my cell phone timer to his trusty stop watch. It's good to know the Referee!!! It's also good to be able to sit and watch. All of this running and fitness will lead to no good. LTM


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