Sunday, January 20, 2013

"It's a Small World"

Those were the words used by Larry Mangan in an email I received when I was at Disney World last week.  Swear to God, I was practically in front of the actual ride when I read it.  Thank Goodness my kids didn't drag me onto it, even though it was the only ride without a line. (It's Or-Line-Do remember.)

The reason he used those words was because he ran into an old competitor when at the last Penn State indoor meet.  Turns out that current Nittany Lion Conrad Lippert's father ran at Rutgers back in our day.  He even dug up this great photo.

That's Rich Lippert in front of our Chief Laundry and Morale Officer. I hope to meet Rich at the Penn State National.  Small World Indeed!  Rutgers is now a member of the B1G too.  It's a small and increasingly weird world...

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