Thursday, January 24, 2013

Two Things You Can Do If You Can't Run Anymore

First off, you could become an artist and create "crop circles" in the snow. How many calories do you think he burned creating this interesting "snow quilt" that took about 9 hours?   Simon Beck is garnering plenty of notice in the Art World with his creations.

Or, if you are more autistic than artistic like me, you could head to State College to cheer for the Nittany Lions at the ever-exciting Penn State National Indoor Meet.  I am taking my dad again this year.  Last year he witnessed his first ever sub-4 mile.  I predict even better things this year. Saturday afternoon is the time for the "Big Races", but Friday starting at 4:45PM you can see some Alumni Singlets circling the track trying to accomplish some equally great things.  If you are there on Saturday, be sure to say hello!

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