Saturday, February 2, 2013

Details of 2013 Reunion Emerging

In a phone consultation with Jess Riden, Coach Sullivan, representatives of the Varsity "S" Club and several Idiot Officers (a well-meaning and silly self-imposed title) of The Group, details emerged about the 2013 Second Annual Penn State Track and Field and Cross Country Reunion and the 12th Annual Coach Harry Groves Golf Tournament.  Momentum has built over the past dozen years and we expect more of the same this year.

The biggest news for those who are golfing, and that should be you regardless of your abilities or lack thereof, is that the round will begin at Noon this year.  Which will give you plenty of time to thrash and deforest Happy Valley and still make it back for the Awards Dinner. This also gives us a chance to expand our numbers on the course this year.  Please consider joining us golfers and non-golfers alike on the course this year.  And bring a friend.

Our tried and true format will remain roughly the same.  In other big news, arrangements are being made for a lower cost package of just the Friday night reception.  Everyone who was there last year enjoyed a wonderful spread, with an open bar at The Lion's Den.  We plan on making this event even better and will cater to those who can only join us for Friday's event.  Again, bring a friend.

A block of rooms will again be arranged at The Hampton Inn, for the 12th year.  They really have been a wonderful partner of our Group.  I'll keep you informed of the specifics of this cost-saving arrangement.

We hope to have even more than the 40 runners we had for the Alumni "Run" last year.  I say "Run" because you can always choose whether to run , walk, crawl, stand or just eat donuts and drink juice or coffee like me.  Nearly 40 took off for a campus loop with team members on their warm-up before the team's practice.  Those on the loop, including my wife and daughter said it was a great time.  I will probably again stay behind and interview Coach Groves for the Blog.  Don't forget to get your Alumni Singlet for the "Run".  Details coming soon.

My wife and daughters will again be Climbing Mt. Nittany with team members to plant a flag and get long-range photos of the track facilities.  There were 40 making the trek last year. If you aren't golfing, this will give you something to do!  They usually climb back down and head to The Creamery, so the rewards are great.

The Rewards Dinner will again be at the Ashenfelter Indoor Complex and catered by the University.  There will be an open bar.  Speakers are being lined up so that you won't have to hear me again! Prizes, raffles and more are envisioned.  Clark Haley will renew his bestowing of rewards after a one year layoff.

Spread the word to others you know.  Our efforts to renew old friendships and begin new ones has already reaped many benefits for Penn State Track and Field.  Now is the time to increase the momentum.  Quite honestly, you are the key to that.  You are the most important member of PSU Track Alumni.  Come see for yourself.

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