Thursday, February 28, 2013

I Wish I Was As Cool As This Guy

I don't even remember how I proposed, but I do know it was quite lame compared with this guy.  I do remember informing my in-laws about it.  It was at the Autoport Motel in State College during a Winter Weekend of Sports Events in 1987.  My father-in-law chuckled and said "No married man wants to live to be 100."

Seeing as my other marriage advice from my grandfather was "The first 50 years are the hardest", it's a wonder I went through with it.

We've all seen the stories of banners on planes, Jumbotron questions and the down-on-one-knee proposals at a fancy restaurant, but this guy takes the cake with his Physics Paper Proposal.
The summary of the findings of the study are presented in Figure 1 and that that the project happiness is upward with high confidence. Taking these results into account, the author proposes to Christie the indefinite continuation of the study. The subjects response to their proposal should be indicated below [by checking the "Yes" or "No" box].


  1. Dave - you're cool...Autoport cool, but still cool. Not quite Brian Boyer cool, but you're young and might still close that gap!!!

  2. Yeah, Autoport cool... I do make sure to remove my pocket protector and slick down my cowlick in public.


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