Wednesday, February 20, 2013

We Need Your Help!

It is only 87 days until the 12th Annual Coach Harry Groves Golf Tournament and the 2nd Annual Penn State Track and Field/Cross Country Reunion!

Please consider joining us.  But more importantly, alert your friends and teammates about it and get them to come as well.  Golf with us too.  See what all the fuss is about.  You should be receiving mailings and emails and Facebook News really soon!

This year's format is similar to last year's with a few notable exceptions.  First up, there will be a reduced rate option for those of you who want to come for only one of the days.  Secondly, the golf is starting at Noon this year, which will leave plenty of time to thrash and befoul whatever the Elks Club Course is now called AND still make it to the Awards Dinner on time.

If you can't come, consider donating to our cause (all monies are destined for the Coach Harry R. Groves PSU Scholarship Endowment).  We have made progress toward it, but there is still a ways to go.  You can send it in any way you desire, just be sure to specify where you want it to go.  You can even click on the Donation Button on the right sidebar.  I'll personally make sure it gets to where it needs to go.

If you can't donate, and can't make our event, never fear.  You are still every bit as important as everyone else here in our group.  Comment, spread the word and keep PSU Track on the up-swing. 

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