Saturday, March 16, 2013

Let's Call Him Employee 1A

There is an article in the Running Times about Nike's (Blue Ribbon Sports, actually) very first employee.  Jeff Johnson became a very rich man and retired at 41, but you wouldn't know that if you met him.  In fact, you might think he was on the other end of the economic spectrum.

Quoted extensively in the article is Honorary Penn State Track and Field Alumni Golfer Walt Chadwick, another early Nike employee at their east coast Exeter NH facility. His connections with Penn State are quite extensive, from Kathy Mills and Mark Parker to Coach John Lucas.  You've heard from him many times on this blog and his photos (taken by Jeff himself) are available throughout the pages of our humble site.  You can see more all the time at his web site. It's the place to go for Pre photos! And I'm pretty sure he'll also golf with us someday!


  1. Thank you Dave. You are too kind. As you have noted many good people have been a part of the Penn State story. I feel fortunate to be associated with all of you.

    As for Jeff, he is a true lover of our sport and has helped many in ways large and small. He is a voice of good in a time when many find reason to look for bad.I am fortunate to have been his friend since 1974.

    Thank you for recognizing all the good in the sport through your steady and excellent blog.

  2. You observation of "steady" is certainly true! Your other observation of "excellence" is making me blush right now. I don't know whether it is true, but I certainly thank you for the sentiment!


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