Saturday, March 30, 2013

Old School Meets New School

Nothing at all to do with Running or Track, but many of us from the late 70's at PSU remember this craze at midnight every weekend for months on end.  Performed by a cast even the modern day student athlete can relate to!  With Physics thrown in for a tangential aside as the performers are also from The Big Bang Theory.

Meatloaf.  Again!!!


  1. Not enough physics. ;-) You're a busy guy today.

  2. Thanks for noticing. I had a backlog of things to post and just got around to it. And I just finished getting my taxes done. This always causes a surge of panic and subsequent increase in distracting activities. The US Treasury will be the recipient of way more of my money than they deserve on April 15. Did you enjoy the performance of the BBT cast? You are too young to have been a participant in "the craze", right?


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