Friday, April 19, 2013

Back to Mirth! Our Performance of the Year 2012 Winner Responds!

Bridget Franek just spent a few weeks at altitude in Arizona prior to the meat of her track season.  She returned to Oregon to find the Prize Pack she received as winner. Having already set an American record in the 2000 M Steeplechase in 2013, I'm confident she will have a tremendous season.  Bridget has talent, drive, intelligence and a great sense of humor.  Certainly a wonderful representative of our Group.  She promises to attend our event at some time in the future when her schedule allows. And as Official Herder of Cats, you know I'll keep at it!

Bridget Franek sports her "PSU is 800 U" Performance Jacket
Bridget promises to taunt her Oregon friends with several of her "800 U" items, just as I intended.  It's all in good fun. 800 U by no means demeans other institutions.  We hope the moniker actually makes the entire Universe of Track and Field better.  What could be better than that?

Addendum:  Bridget's first race was really a workout!
 Hasay ran the 5,000 at less than full throttle. So did Franek, the Olympic steeplechaser, who was in the race as a workout.
 Hasay’s goal was to run a time that would safely qualify for the NCAA regional in the event. Her 16:01.54 clocking should accomplish that. She and Franek worked together, and ran side by side down the home straight.


  1. "What could be better than that?"

    Hammer Throw U

  2. There has been posts on "Javelin U" and "Shot Put U", so it isn't out of the realm of possibility! I've always said Hammer Throwers are my preferred Security in these perilous times.


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