Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I Actually Did a Workout on Saturday

I didn't post this earlier because those that know me would suspect it was an April Fools prank if I posted it yesterday.  I pretty much stay clear of the internetty thingie on that day as people do horrible things and act like they're special and cutting-edge by putting up falsehoods everywhere.  It's part of my rebellion to authority or my general curmudgeon-ness! 

I did a 4x500M workout on Saturday.  I won't put any of the times or recovery on here, as that would lead many of you to un-friend me immediately.  Let's just say that I did in fact run a bit better than half as fast as I did at my "peak" in the late 70's and early 80's.  My heart rate actually responded like it should have and the sequelae are all still the same.  Sore throat, lethargy, muscle "pulls" and general crabbiness.

It's not a comeback by any means but I felt good and wanted to see if I could do it.  Maybe it will start a trend.  It certainly makes me more amazed at the exploits of Beth Shisler, Mark Hawkins and Nick Kello

There will be professional rabbits at the Alumni "Run" this year to pace people toward a age-group PR in the mile.  Last year's event was a big hit and the campus loop with the team on their warm-up works out splendidly.  Think about joining us this year! You can always hang back and eat donuts instead of running.

1 comment:

  1. Via Twitter I received word that several recent grads just did a "Gondak Ladder" workout. I noted that it would kill me, but I would attempt a "Groves Escalator" at some point soon. More my speed.


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