Sunday, April 28, 2013

Penn State University is 800 M University: For All Prospective Middle Distance Runners Out There

I keep saying this as it seems to tick off a rather belligerent detractor.  Who must be the only remaining one of his kind.  Let's all remember that "PSU is 800 U" is a celebration of all that many people have contributed to over many years and many races.  It doesn't detract from anything anyone else does.  In fact, it enhances every aspect of our Sport. There isn't a bit of braggadocio inherent in celebrating the phrase.  It is rather a hat-tip to all the hard work, coaching and sacrifice of many, many of us in the Penn State Track and Field Alumni (Golfing) community.  I think even this lowly 1:58 half-miler (that's 1:57.3 metric!) can claim to have contributed to the phrase.  Each and every one of us on the track and field can celebrate the phrase and enhance the future of PSU's Program.

This year's version of the wrist band and raffle t-shirts will celebrate this at the Alumni Reunion.  I will have a donation raffle putting challenge at the Friday night reception, the Alumni Run and the Awards Dinner on Saturday.  Make sure to try your hand at the most frustrating sport in the world even if you aren't golfing on the Big Boy's (and Girl's) Course on Saturday.

The Putting Challenge Rules will be*:
  1. Three 7-foot Putts for a $5 contribution to the Coach Harry Groves Scholarship Endowment.
  2. One in gets you this year's version of the Alumni Wrist Band. One per person.
  3. Two in gets you a "PSU is 800 U" t-shirt designed by Olympian Greg Fredericks. First come, first served.  I have 18 or so shirts in all sizes.  My day-job didn't give me the option of purchasing more! One per person.
  4. Three in gets you entered in a drawing for a gift certificate (to be determined!) You can try this as many times as you like. Anyone with ideas can get in touch with me about a suitable prize.  (Berkey Creamery, paid entry to next year's Reunion and Golf Tourney?) Also anyone wishing to make a donation to enhance the prizes can do so on the right sidebar of the blog.  The more the merrier.  All monies left over go to the Scholarship.
*Unless someone makes me change them!


  1. Your detractor = Unabomber personality

  2. It should be noted that the Unabomber was a Michigan man. I'm not sure who our detractor is. But I'm comfortable knowing that the Unabomber is secured 24/7 and will never again view or contact another human. Same for the Olympic bomber and soon, the Boston Marathon bomber. But I'll welcome the detractor into our fold whenever he comes around. Everyone is truly equal in our group. Even 1:57.3 800 M men!


Thanks for commenting. Keep up the good work! (Try to mention others to encourage them to comment too!)