Monday, April 8, 2013

We Need Your Help!

We need a big showing at our upcoming Track Alumni Reunion in order to out-do the Lacrosse team's participation rate!

PSU Lacrosse Alumni, 100th Anniversary.
Get your entry in for the Reunion and Golf Tournament Now! And bring a friend!

And Sam Masters needs a little help from some speedy alums also:

Hello, Alumni,

If you are between the ages 18 and 40, and can run 6:00/mile for 15 minutes, a colleague of mine is offering $30 for 90 minutes of your time.

He is a fellow PhD student in the lab that I work in (biomechanics) and is doing a study on ankle moment arms and economy. His name is Herman van Werkhoven. He needs 13 more participants. Not only do you get $30, but you are contributing to the underlying science of distance running.

E-mail Herman van Werkhoven ( or myself ( if you are interested. Thank you!

It's a shame I'm over 40 y.o. or I'd love to put in a 6:00 mile for him!  hee hee hee

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