Wednesday, May 1, 2013

An IC4A Victory in the 4 x 400 Relay Isn't Anything to Sneeze At

I think that PSU didn't qualify for the Championship of America 4 x 400 Relay at Penn because the leadoff man Aaron Nodolsky pulled a hamstring on the backstretch in the qualifier.*  He still gamely soldiered on and the team still manged to qualify for the IC4A Finals, which is for the fastest qualified teams not making the COA.  PSU then won the heat in going-away fashion with a good time.  Steve Shisler made a great video of the IC4A Finals where his son Alex Shisler ran another 46.0 split as the second leg.  Not bad for a Freshman on one of Track's greatest platforms.  This also enhances three generations of Shisler's at Franklin Field. Here's Alex's grandfather Earl Shisler at Penn...

*Blog fact checkers will be all over me if any of these facts are wrong!  I think that's the way qualifying works at Penn, anyway.

And here's the 2013 IC4A 4 x 400 Relay Video:

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