Friday, May 3, 2013

Just Because You Can Go Home Again...

Doesn't Mean Anyone Will Know You.

Actually a total of 2 people did know me.

I traveled to dear 'ole Dover High School, scene of my teenage triumphs (on the track only!) to watch my daughter's York Suburban team take on my Dover Eagles.  Also on the track was the Camp Hill Lions for a nifty tri-meet.

I did find friend Ron Bair before the meet started who was a teammate of mine and was there to escort his daughter Olivia during the Senior Day activities. He was the only person from Dover who recognized me and it was good to see his daughter Olivia Bair was an 800 M runner!

But there was a big PSU presence at the track even in the middle of bucolic rural York County.  Camp Hill's coach Mike Barndt was apparently a former PSU trackster.  I didn't get a chance to talk with him though.

And lo and behold, there was my teammate all 4 years at PSU, Mark Haywood.  There aren't too many people I've run more miles with than Mark, and it's always good to see him.  He may be able to attend our festivities next year as his daughter Katy Haywood will be moving on to college.  Mark follows his daughter's track exploits closely and she happens to be quite good at an activity neither Mark or I have ever attempted, the pole vault.  She had 3 good attempts at 10' 6" while I watched, each one of them with more than enough height for much higher results.  My advice to her was "Trust the pole" as if I know anything at all about the event.  I think I heard Don Skerpon say that once. Sounded good to me.  Remember though, I was unable to carry his 16' pole down the runway, so I never was able to see what pole vaulting was like.