Sunday, June 9, 2013

Different Uniforms Upset Those Who Should Be Upset

Casimir Loxsom and Brannon Kidder wore differing uniforms in the 800 M Finals at the NCAA Championships on Friday.  This, of course, set off certain moderators and crazies at in a way that brought a smile to my lips.  Thanks to the anonymous tipster for the link, as I've given up on the site lately.  It's an example of a crazy minority running roughshod over the majority of great track fans in the world.  It only takes a couple of crazies (or one using many, many sock-puppets!) to ruin an otherwise fine way of keeping up with things.  My advice is for anyone currently running at a high level, especially at PSU, is never, ever visit the site until certain fixes are installed (or UNinstalled).

Seniors Elijah Greer, Casimir Loxsom and Freshman Brannon Kidder 1, 2, 3!

Yeah, two different uniforms are within the rules. Cas makes us old-timers smile from ear to ear.


  1. I read that on letsrun... Too much.
    I think I get it...
    Kidder went with the current type singlet and Loxsom went old school- going out with the uniform he might have had as a frosh...

  2. Those unis go back to the early 90's at least. We're bringing em back with our Alumni version designed by Dennis Pollow. There will be a new sale of them soon!


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