Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Minimalist Shoes and Forefoot Strikers Hardest Hit

This heel striker somehow made the Olympic team!
Remember my earlier post about "barefoot" shoes and "mid-foot strikers"?  For the record, barefoot or minimalist shoes are simply the shoes all of us ran in during the 70's (at quite a mark up now!), and mid-foot strikers don't exist, (They are just equal heel and forefoot strikers.)

I pointed out that these types of shoes won't reduce running injury rates, they will just change what injuries you get.  Sometimes, those injuries are more long-term than the ones you used to get with the clunky, new-fangled shoes.  They also won't make you faster and won't increase the distances you can run.  They might feel better to you, so if that is the case, be my guest. 

I also bragged that I was correct in all this, without regard to "proof", unless you count 27 years worth of podiatry as any type of proof.  You get to decide that. Well, the bottom is falling out from under these crazes earlier than I thought they would.  (Remember though, there are still some hippies around from the 60's even though most of them are now high government employees that gave up on all of their principles.)

Addendum: And from our William and Mary Friends:

1 comment:

  1. Brooks are great shoes. My son has flat feet that turn in slightly, and these are perfect to help align his legs to be more straight. This is the second pair he has had. He’s a 6th grade boy and rough on shoes. These have lasted very well.


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