Saturday, June 15, 2013

Ten Things That Annoy Me

  1. At a Convenience Store - The guy who parks right in front of the store in the No Parking/Fire Lane because he's "only getting 1 thing". My solution some day will be to "key" their car. When I finally have "had it" and don't care anymore.
  2. At a Convenience Store - The guy in front of you in line giving a 12 foot gap from the customer at the register.  As if privacy is important when buying cigarettes and lottery tickets. Try that in China and you will be killed. There are no lines in China. My solution is to jump in front of them right behind the other person and not acknowledge them when they complain.
  3. At a Convenience Store - Paying $4 for a slice of mystery meat, a slice of processed cheese and 2 slices of damp bread.  Might as well have the 99 cent Nuke and Puke Burrito. Or 4 of them!
  4. Women drivers on the cell phone.
  5. Men drivers on the cell phone.
  6. The National Zoo.  Don't get me started.  That patch of white people were looking at behind the wall and a bunch of plants wasn't a Panda Bear.  And the Gorillas won't be in the Outdoor enclosure that the sign points to, but no one coming back from the fruitless trek down the path will bother telling you that. And the Orangutans will not be playing on their overhead poles and wires.  They will be asleep or picking at themselves behind the walls inside their cage.  Like I said, don't get me started.  And stay off my lawn.
  7. At a Convenience Store - The people crowded around the Coffee Bar putting 16 different things into their coffee and bumping into you as you try to grab a Mountain Dew (God's choice for proper morning caffeination).
  8. The humongous crowd around a sample of Greek Yogurt at Sam's Club.  Whatever happened to good, old-fashioned yogurt?  Is it all gone?  Why would we want to emulate Greece in any way anyway!?
  9. At a Convenience Store - The person in front of you at the ATM that takes 20 minutes to figure out that she can't take any money out because her balance is less than $10.
  10. At a Convenience Store - The person trying to mooch "free" air for their tires by parking real close to you and waiting until you are done with the 25 cent machine. My solution was to give him 25 pennies which he then had to go into the store to change into a quarter. That and waiting until the air stopped even though I was done inflating my tires.

Don't get me started...


  1. I'm thinking that since 6 of your 10 items listed are Convenience-store-related, that you could improve your life and happiness significantly by simply avoiding convenience stores. Just trying to help....

  2. I said I was annoyed, not intelligent! hee hee hee (There's a million more where they came from.)


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