Thursday, July 11, 2013

Penn State Track Alumni Rabbits Are Everywhere

When the Fuller family vacations at the DelMarVa Shore, they take their Alumni Singlets with them and put them to good use.  Like first and third place in a local 5K, garnering local press and spreading the word of the soon-to-be largest Track Alumni Group in the world.

Kevin and Brian Fuller "down the shore"
Now, Matt Lincoln can be added to the mix of "rabbits" in the Track Alumni Golfing Universe.  He helped Nate Brannen eclipse the Canadian record in the 2K last week in York College of Canada.  He actually uses the word "pacing" instead of "rabbiting", so I hope I'm not slighting him in any way.  If I am, I'll send him a gift certificate for some Tim Horton's goodies as amends!

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