Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Penn State Track Alumni Records: Jumps Section

These are some pretty fine records.  In my rudimentary searches, I have not found anyone beating these in the past few years.  Please inform us if you know of any!

High Jump: 2.15 [7' 3/4"} Dave Kriz '96  [Flagstaff, Az.}1999
Long Jump: 7.89 (25' 10 3/4") GeorgeAudu '99 (Great Britain Olympic Trials) 2000·
Triple Jump: 16.22 (53' 7 3/4") Ricardo Hall 1995
PoleVault: 5.10 (16' 8 3/4") Dave Masgay '87 (U.S.Olympic Trials) 1992

My favorite photo of Dave Masgay.
See the Sprint records Here.

See the Middle Distance Records Here.

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