Monday, July 15, 2013

The Dorm Rooms Haven't Changed Much Since 1975*

Dropped my kid off at Penn State Track Camp yesterday for her first ever taste of college life.  She gets to experience several days in the same East Halls I bivouacked in for my Freshman Year.  She is actually in the same group of buildings both my wife and I spent 1977/1978 in.

Luckily, we encountered her roommate when we dropped her off.  Small world when it turned out her dad was on the State College track team in 1974. I'm pretty sure Jess Riden and the Camp Staff will take good care of her.  When I saw the one dorm room with an air conditioner I wondered who that special person was.  Turns out it's Jess, so I don't feel so bad.  Good luck with the kids, Jess. Wish I had the week off to just watch the action.

*My first ever view of a PSU dorm was in 1975 when my brother moved into Geary Hall.

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