Thursday, August 1, 2013

Penn State Track Alumni Records: Throws Division

Well, as most of you know, this is the field where I know the absolute least. But I have become more of a fan of the events as time has gone by.  The artistry of the events is mesmerizing.  Combine that with the different applications of strength needed in each of the events, and they remind me of the artistry involved in a baseball pitching duel, my favorite pro sports event. The ability to control strength and apply it in just the small window of optimum performance is not something many of us can possibly do.  My pinnacle in the strength department occurred in a "weight-room" session during Sophomore Year where Coach Groves just wouldn't leave like usual.  So I couldn't "weight" until he left to end my session.  So there I was attempting to bench press my own weight.  And I did it! I actually bench pressed 120 lbs. when I weighed 118 pounds.  Probably the most pitiful of any of our readers.  (Use the Comments to post your best bench press mark!)

Anyway, here are the Alumni records in the Throws.  They are almost all pretty old, and I'm not aware of  any newer and better marks.  That's where you come in. Let us know if there are changes to be made.

Hammer: 64.60 [211' 11"}, Alvin Jackson '77 1979
Shot Put: 21.87 (71' 9") C.J. Hunter '90  2000
Discus: 69.62 (228' 5"), Knut Hjeltnes '75 1985
Javelin (old): 82.90 (272' 0"), Jim Stevenson '66 1964
Javelin (new): 70.40 [231' 0"}, Rob Austin '96 (PS.Open) 1997
Javelin (new): 71.70 (235' 9 1/4") Dave Masgay (Penn Relays) 2000

Knut Hjeltnes with Grete Waitz.(RIP)  Could Grete out bench press me back in the day?


  1. I maxed out at 515 in 1983 at a bodyweight of 285 - a lot of weight, a loooonnnnnnggggg time ago.


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