Monday, September 2, 2013

Happy Labor Day! A Couple of "I Thought So's"

I'm no genius, but I do have a good sense of BS when I see it.  Twenty-eight years of "practising" Podiatry has also taught me a few things.  And although treating runners isn't my favorite thing in the world (they almost always think they are smarter than everyone else even when they insist things like drinking DMSO is beneficial). That really has happened.

BullSh*t Things I Know Aren't True

  1. Barefoot Running and "Minimalist Shoes" will strengthen feet and prevent injuries. Although even giving a link debunking this won't be enough for most. And don't come to me with foreign bodies in your feet; I really hate that.
  2. "Midfoot" Striking and Forefoot Striking are far superior to Heel Striking.  Run the way you run.  Don't overthink it.  If you go faster using your hands instead of your feet, by all means use your hands. (And send video, I'd like to see THAT!)  It really doesn't matter at all.  (It's not statistically significant, actually.)
  3. Running causes arthritis, especially of the knees.  My knee injuries were caused by a) Stupidly trying to move a trailer by myself. b) Doing the same thing 1 year later to the other knee, cementing me as a true Dunce. c) taking fencing as an elective gym class at PSU in 1978. Running has left my knees otherwise pristine, as it has yours.
  4. Drinking a whole lot of "non-alcoholic" beer is a good idea.  Apparently 28 of them in an hour still won't make you drunk.  But you'll still throw up.

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