Friday, September 27, 2013

The Definitive Listing Of PSU Mens Alumni Records!

I didn't do the work.  Turns out Matt Groves has essentially finished the work his dad started by compiling these lists all along.  Apparently Coach Groves kept voluminous notes over the years in his distinctive scrawl.  They were published in readable format in the Track and Field Guide annually until 2006.  The kids today wouldn't even be able to read these original documents from Coach.  Cursive doesn't even exist anymore.  Just ask the prosecutors in Florida!

Matt took the old lists and updated them in complete fashion and put them into Excel format, converted them to pdf's and sent them to me to be published in the "blog with it all".  I can't thank him enough.  Maybe we can now be the repository for the future.  The "go to" site for everything PSU Track Alumni.  We can dream....

First up, I give you the PSU Alumni Mens Road Racing Records:

James Carney '01
James Carney '01
10 miles
Greg Fredericks '72
Half Marathon
1982 (American Record)
John Zeigler '79
James Carney '01
20K Race Walk
Steve Hayden '66
30K Race Walk
Steve Hayden '66

Next up:  The PSU Alumni Mens Indoor Records


  1. "Definitive"? The 8k, 15k 10 mile, 20k and half marathon marks are all wrong!

    A wise man once said to me "if you don't have the time to do it right the first time, then how the hell are you going to find the time to do it over again?"

    Here is your "definitive" list.

    8k 23:03 1/4/81
    10k 28:19 7/4/09
    12k 34:54 10/6/85
    15k 43:31 2/7/09
    10 mi. 47:02 3/15/81
    20k 59:11 9/1/08
    HM 1:01:43 9/19/82
    Mar 2:12:23 tie 1/14/12, 12/8/85

  2. Thanks. I appreciate the help. Can we get back to cooperating in a human fashion? May I add your name to the appropriate slots. It's rather silly, but I will, of course, honor your wishes. I'm after people to honor Coach Groves. His son has made an honest effort to honor those from the past. I can't thank him enough. I really could care less about the records being correct or not. I know good people will correct what's wrong. It's rather my style to not desire credit when things are right, and to accept blame for things others got wrong. The result has been a fourfold increase in active alumni and sigjificant monetary gains to Coach's legacy. Walk-ons will one day be numerous on the team again. Everyone is always welcome. I learned that one from a wise man too.

  3. ob•ses•sion (əbˈsɛʃ ən)

    1. the domination of one's thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image, desire, etc.
    2. the idea, image, etc., itself.
    3. the state of being obsessed.

    Why does a man who repudiates his past feel compelled to embrace it?

  4. As a fellow obsessive-compulsive, I can somewhat relate. I'm lucky my obsession isn't with being 100% accurate. But I am obsessed with getting people together to honor Coach Groves. The Definitively Definitive Alumni Records Lists will be up soon. My day jobs interfere way too much with my inaccurate blogging! So sue me. Remember the mirth. In these times it is ever more important. I have a really obsessive lawyer, too!

  5. The best part of this blog is that it's so consistently, albeit slightly, off the mark!!

    A wise man once said to me "I wouldn't be paranoid if everyone wasn't out to get me"

  6. George do you have names to go a long with times and dates? So I can update the list.

  7. George do you have names to go along with dates and times? So I can update the list.


Thanks for commenting. Keep up the good work! (Try to mention others to encourage them to comment too!)