Friday, October 4, 2013

I'm Pretty Sure Time Travel Isn't Possible

Stephen Hawking was our Official Group Physicist in the early days of the blog. That's only because Richard Feynman was dead. When Brian Boyer* made it to the Links for the Coach Groves Golf Tournament in 2009 and promptly got his named engraved on the Coach Harry Groves Memorial Cup, he became our exalted Grand Physicist. Anyone reading this can also poke Ron Moore to let him know that he will become co-Official Group Physicist when he attends the next event.

When Stephen Hawking put his mind to concocting an experiment to determine whether Time Travel is possible, he didn't use Science in any way.  He used common sense and a nice Ballroom back in 2009.

He held a grand party with only time travelers as the invited guests.  That's because he told no one about it and only promoted it after it had already occurred. The elegant invitations look like this:

The really hard part of the experiment is making sure that the invitation will be around long enough to be seen by someone in the position to travel back in time to attend. I have done my little part by putting this post on the blog. 

 If you try to get your mind around this whole time travel thing, you end up with a headache.  Or worse. 

*Yes, I do know that Brian is a Nuclear Engineer.  Stop nagging.

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