Sunday, November 17, 2013

8K Seems to be the New 10K

There has been a popularization of the 8K distance lately, not only on the XC course.  We used to know it as the 5 Miler, but somehow the Metric System finally seems to have taken hold.

I ran my first 5-Miler in 1976 or so.  The Red Rose 5-Miler started with a cannon blasting out all the windows in downtown Lancaster.  I came in 5th with a 24:41 (24:32 8K!) which is the best I ever did at any of the iterations of the Imperial or Metric equivalents.  The winner that day was a young Sydney Maree, straight from his native South Africa.  Jumbo Elliot soon had him matriculated at Villanova University.

The Fuller Brothers ran a 8K in Richmond yesterday: No word yet on Alumni Singlet status. Remember guys, USATF status for the Penn State Track/XC Alumni Club is available!

Brian Fuller        25:35
Mark Fuller        25:59
Kevin Fuller       26:58

Still another 8K was part of the Rothman Institute Philadelphia Marathon weekend. Kyle Dawson also ran the distance, placing 6th in 23:17!  His brother Owen Dawson placed 8th in 23:40!

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