Wednesday, November 6, 2013

She Really Doesn't Like to Run

When given the number '666' on her bib for the Sectional qualifier for the State XC Meet, a female runner appealed the "number of the beast" to race organizers, who promptly ignored her.  So she decided to not race, rather than go against her religious beliefs. Now there will be a big brouhaha, lawsuits, mud-slinging and general mayhem, all for nothing.

She could have turned it upside-down and run as number '999'! Do I have to do all of the thinking around here?

Artist's Conception. Beelzebub now messing with XC!


  1. If you look really closely behind the Capitol Dome, on that Devilish cloud you can see a PSU singlet (Medium), class of '80!

  2. Kudos to that young lady for not wanting to be associated with what that number commonly represents, and to be willing to suffer the consequences for standing up for her beliefs. That's some serious Rusty Boots balls. Amen?

  3. I actually agree with you, TRB. My snide take on the matter is just in order to bring some levity to a ridiculous situation. Those in charge of a XC meet don't need to be such a**holes. There is enough of those within the Beltway already.


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