Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A Christmas Miracle: Hope For My Golf Game!

Artist's conception of me improving my golf game.
The fact is, that for the past several years I have only golfed once a year.  That's readily apparent to anyone who comes to the event.  Not a good way to impress anyone on that special weekend in May.  Those who pay just a little attention think that golf is a big part of what's going on here.  That isn't true.  But certainly golfing with us and Coach Groves is highly recommended. I really wish I could practice just a bit for the event, but I know I won't.

But! I have been dismayed that I have been experiencing difficulty with sleep lately.  Whether it is due to a general lack of fitness, aging or some other nefarious reason has had me a little worried.

Now that I have read this in the NYT, I can only pray for the onset of sleep apnea!

1 comment:

  1. I take a chelated form of magnesium (stay away from Magnesium oxide, it doesn't absorb)and it has changed my life. Lots of REM sleep. I won't go to bed without taking some. Rob W.


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