Saturday, December 21, 2013

Happy Birthday Joe

There are those on each side of the fence on Coach Paterno, and I know where I stand.  I'm a fairly good judge of character, but a much better judge of lack of character. And there was none of that in the Joe Paterno I crossed paths with numerous times.

My favorite of all encounters was just a few minutes after a home victory sometime in the early 90's (when I actually rented a year-round efficiency apartment on College Avenue in order to go to all the games year-round).

After the game. like thousands of others, I was trudging to the Creamery (in the old location near North Halls).  I was waiting for someone, just standing around watching the hordes.  A pick up truck split the crowd and stopped at the intersection.  Out from the bed jumped JoePa, who calmly walked away toward home, with only me realizing who he was.  I read later that he had guests for dinner and couldn't be late.  Just minutes after the game. He usually walked the whole way.

And there was that other time that I said "hello" to him as he walked by the White Course during our Coach Groves Golf Tourney in 2006.  That's the one that got me onto the Coach Groves Memorial Cup.  Yeah, I don't believe in coincidences either!

Jay Paterno alone at his father's statue.(Photo by Barb Black during an early Sunday run.)
Happy Birthday Joe.


  1. My first personal encounter with Joe Pa was in the Fall of '76 at Rec Hall...when I got promoted to the big boys' locker room. Two of us were in that precious cell. I was stepping out of my "athletic supporter" to shower facing the window when I heard "Hey boys! How are you?" in a voice that I had heard for 10+ years on Sunday morning's PSU FB show. That and his coming to shake our hands (especially mine under the circumstances) is all I recall of that moment...I was in multiple phases of shock. KKOB80

  2. I've had numerous questions about the photo. It is real. A cheap cell phone at very cold temperatures. Only my wife and Jay were there and know the truth beyond doubt. And she never disturbed him, so even he didn't know until I published it.


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