Monday, December 9, 2013

Running in the Snow

One of my greatest runs ever was a 10 miler in a foot of snow in 1980 with Rob Whiteside, the Official Muse of the Blog.  I don't remember why it was just the two of us and he may not even remember it as well as I do.  We ran the 10 miler out to Swatsworth Road and then up the rocky hill to the airport before cutting back through the Pine Forests and past the Observatory and the Deer Pens.

It was a tough run in tough conditions, but we had our usual good time doing it. It was so easy in those days...

Other snowy runs weren't as much fun, but there were quite a few of them.  My first ever run in the snow in State College occurred on October 12, 1977.  I have that in my log, so I'm pretty sure of that one.  I didn't know it was in snow until I had gone a while, slipped and fell in the darkness at 5:30AM.  (I swear Coach, I was really religious about the morning runs until Senior year!)

Yesterday's football games in Baltimore and Philadelphia certainly favored those who could run in the snow.  Still, Lesean McCoy took nearly 3 hours to run just over 200 yards.  Anyone on any PSU team over the years ran a lot more than that! (But we didn't have anyone chasing us wishing to remove our heads from our shoulders. Most of us anyway...)

I didn't bother to run any outside yesterday.  I continued with my usual indoor treadmill "fitness" regimen and shuffled for 5 miles in balmy glory, watching Lesean run his 200 yards in the snows of Philly.

And don't forget to vote in the Semi-Finals of the Performance of the Year.  You must go to the full web site to see the poll on the left side-bar.  Vote for three.  The next Semi-Final will be next week and the Finals will be between Christmas and New Year.  So bookmark the site and return often!

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