Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Ask the Coach???

So if all goes as planned, I'll be able to ask Coach Groves some questions this weekend for my very first podcast.  Despite the whole concept scaring the (redacted) out of me, it may be a good chance for some real insight.

So send me some questions you want answered by Coach to dfbaskwill(AT)cs(DOT)com (substitute @ for AT and . for DOT, for those who may be slower than the average PSU Track Alumni Golfer!) or via the comments on the bottom of this post.  Only serious questions will be entertained.  We all have millions of un-serious questions that may not be suitable for even our mature audience members! (all 2 of them...)

I'm sure Matt can make sure Coach doesn't see any of the questions ahead of time.  Surprise is one of our chief weapons. A comfy chair will be the least of his worries.


  1. How has training mileage changed (if at all) over your time coaching distance runners?

  2. Sounds like a good one. I'll try to ask this in several different ways.

  3. Did he watch the State of the Union speech and does he have any comments. (I watched Gilligan's Island instead. Ask him, Ginger or Maryann?)


Thanks for commenting. Keep up the good work! (Try to mention others to encourage them to comment too!)