Friday, January 10, 2014

PSU Track Alumni Golf Soap Opera: As the World Showcase Churns

Today's 10K in the Dopey Challenge is only double the simple baby steps from yesterday with the real challenge starting tomorrow at the Half Marathon.  But you wouldn't have known that from the complaining from the actual challengers during yesterday's stroll around Epcot's World Showcase in the steady downpour.

Found this statue of Grete Waitz behind the Norway exhibit at Epcot yesterday.  That reminded me of Friend of the Group Martha (White) Collins, who beat her (and everyone else!) at the Leggs Mini-Marathon in NYC in 1978 or so.  All 4' 10" of her confounded the reporters for quite awhile before they could identify the winner.  Mary Cain before Mary Cain's parents even met...

And here's my plate of Kung Pao for those keeping score.

a plate of pure joy.

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