Friday, January 3, 2014

Should an Old Dog Even Try Learning New Tricks?

I'll admit, I'm terrified.  

But somehow resolute at the same time.  I'm trying to get the final piece of gumption to undertake a new and frightening facet of my herding of cats.  The blog has been growing steadily for 5 years now, and the recent addition of Matt Groves has expanded the reach and view to a hipper and less curmudgeonly crowd.  (Thanks Matt!)

Penn State Track and Field Alumni Golf: The Podcast will be coming soon.

I'm not certain about the date, or the frequency (or the quality!), but I'm getting close.  I have done extensive research (read Podcasting for Dummies), and purchased all the items I will need to bring a semi-pro (!) podcast to the Universe of PSU Track Alumni Golfers (a real-deal microphone and software!).

I have done television interviews and shows several times, but thankfully they will be very hard to find even with the wonder of the internets.  I have a face for Radio, but can't stand to hear my own voice played back.  A bad combo for anyone who still has decided to go forward with the Podcast idea.  But somehow, I think the concept needs to be done.  It will allow a different audience to be exposed to the Group and will enliven the blog for our dedicated dozens of readers.  And no one else is as moronic as I am to do it.

I hope to interview the bigwigs (which may mean even you!) of PSU Track, even from afar via Skype.  I'll also try to have round-table discussions on real topics important to our group.  I also hope to continue the idea of Mirth in a fresh way.  Any ideas or concepts you have would be appreciated.  Any tips on the field of podcasting would also be relished.

Here's a review of our first podcast even before it happens!

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