Sunday, January 19, 2014

Some House Cleaning and an Invitation

I finally got around to cleaning up* the links to PSU Track-related web sites and other blogs on the right side-bar.  I added Bernard Bennett-Green's blog at co-blogger Matt Grove's alert.  Having Matt adding to the blog has been a big help, getting this operation closer to what I now hope it can become.

I started out just trying to get more than 11 golfer's to attend the 2008 Coach Harry Groves Golf Tournament, but things soon morphed into more than I had ever envisioned.  Thanks go to a lot of people, and you know who you are.  (Muse, Assistant Laureate etc...) My original hope to travel through this life as anonymously as possible being blown all to heck, I'll still only post as Skwilli and keep photos of myself to a minimum on the blog. (Unless of course I make it onto The Cup again!)

At 60 hits consistently daily now, with a high of 100 daily for several months, we are becoming a go-to site for stories, news, alerts and mirth concerning PSU Track and Cross-Country, both past, present and future.  And I want to make it even more.  And you can help. Please spread the word.

I hope to add more History to our footprint via the upcoming Podcast.  That's if I can get over my natural shyness, lack of technological knowledge, and general mediocrity.  As Kermit the Frog once sang, "It's not easy being green."

I have an idea for the first several Podcasts, but I would love ideas for other 20-30 minute interviews, Q and A's or other formats conducive to the Podcast form.  Let me know. 

And any other links for PSU-Track-related web-sites and blogs will certainly be considered!

*I have eliminated links with no activity for longer than a year.  Some sites with a link to our site have been spared just because I'm a nice guy. 

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Thanks for commenting. Keep up the good work! (Try to mention others to encourage them to comment too!)