Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Lunch Menu Has More Pain and A Nice Stew, But We're All Out of Stew

Gary Black pulled off the ultimate something at the Dopey Challenge at Disney World today.  He finished the 4 races on 4 consecutive days averaging 10:34/Mile without walking a step.  For those not sure of the difficulty of this challenge, it's a lot harder than it sounds.  And Gary has 2 artificial hips.  I'm pretty sure he'll be the only finisher who can state any of that.*

He had squirreled away his PSU Track Alumni Singlet somewhere on his person and put it on before the finish.  So there should be some good photos coming.  (BTW, he says the shirt garnered nothing but good comments and cheering, so we have that going for us!)

Barb is still out on the course, but passed 20 Miles with a faster pace than she started with, so I'm hopeful she will become Perfectly Dopey soon.

 *There is at least one other. Gary beat him though.

1 comment:

  1. 48.6 miles in ascending order in 4 days is pretty impressive. Hopefully the titanium hips held out!

    Apparently they dulled his pain sensors as part of that surgery!!


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