Friday, February 21, 2014

Are Runners Now Under Attack By a Police State?

I'm betting it wasn't the cop on the right that caught her.
I am at a loss to explain what caused the arrest of a jogger in Austin, Texas recently.  Was it overzealous police, inappropriate laws, or just the fact that she was stupidly wearing headphones and didn't know it was a cop that yelled at her, chased her, and grabbed her from behind.  She was put in cuffs and arrested for resisting arrest (and failing to have identification!).  Austin Police have been tight-lipped following the event.  Thank goodness she did not use pepper spray or mace (where legal, which I would advise every woman to carry when running alone).  That could have resulted in a tazing or even worse.

Warning: This link takes you to a Right-Wing Web Site. Although this issue seems to be devoid of actual politics. A place where runners on both sides ought to unite.

In what kind of world are we living?  Avowed enemies of our State are permitted to do what they please and even given means-tested government monies, but female joggers in Austin, Texas are detained, hand-cuffed and arrested for exercising. Witnesses seem to confirm this.

Or am I missing something?


  1. Strange times---you don't need an ID to vote but you need on to jog.

  2. That was my thought exactly. But I didn't want to put a political spin on things right away. Every nation but the USA requires identification to vote. I'm not sure how many require identification to jog. Possibly just North Korea, Iran, Palestinian Territories and Austinistan!

  3. This did happen in Texas, a very Republican state. Shoot first and ask questions later!


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