Monday, February 24, 2014

PSU is Shot Put U: USATF Indoor Edition

I was taken to task for including Ryan Whiting as a Penn State Track and Field Alumni (Golfer) recently. It is true that Ryan did not attend PSU and instead opted for Arizona State where he achieved about everything anyone could attain in the NCAA world.  But we must remember that when push came to shove, he showed up at PSU to train and become the world's best Putter of the Shot.  And he's been in Happy Valley as a Volunteer Assistant Coach for longer than he ever was in the Southwest desert.  Along the way he has enhanced the PSU Throwing Wing like no other could.  So yeah, he's a full-fledged member of our group and will have the parentheses removed from the title as soon as he golfs with us at a Coach Groves Tourney.

USATF Indoor Shot Put:

Ryan Whiting                 1st Place          72' 11.25" (I think a PR?)
Joe Kovacs                   3rd Place         70'  5.0"  (A new PR!)

PSU at Indoors: Cas Loxsom, Joe Kovacs and Owen Dawson.
And I had a wonderful conversation with Paul Souza yesterday for the Second Podcast: The Rock and Roll One.  It shouldn't be long until I can edit the recording, add in some music from our house band, the Velveteen Playboys and get it online for all to enjoy.  I'm thinking there's something in it for just about everyone. Stay tuned.  And you may be next on the Skype hunt for podcast material!

1 comment:

  1. Whiting 72-11.25 indoor PR (5,=6W; 3,3 US)WL and AL

    Kovacs 70-5, (=14, x US)

    Check out this link at a site called Throwholics!


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